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Lost to be Found

· self love,inner work,channel,psychic,courage

I find myself toying with many questions. Being led past the accepted narrative again and again. Spirit invites me into deeper wisdom and I am honored to share these musings…. Here is one of them.

I understand it is to remember our true essence. Can we explore through the thick and thin, can we rise from the depths, can we open ourselves when being closed is safer? We all have internal strength, survival skills you can say. Sometimes this appears as reaction other times a planned focus. I have seen time and time again we each have something within ourselves that keeps us going, that reminds us there is more to this, that life can and will get better even if we have no idea how and when. 
You are a warrior. A warrior keeps going even in defeat or betrayal or abandonment. A warrior uses her instincts, her intuition, to move forward. A warrior remembers who she is through love, not battle. At times we do this blindly not even realizing our own power of change. 
You do yourself an honor to go within and understand. Question it all and observe. How can you lead with your heart, open, empowered? 
I can tell you…..there is more to this life……your life….
With love,