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Sing to the Water

The song I sing to the waters:

Nee bee wah bow

En die en

Aah key mis kquee

Nee bee wah bow

Hey ya hey ya hey ya hey

Hey ya hey ya hey ya ho

“We sing this song like a lullaby. The song means the water is the life’s blood of our mother the earth. Water is the life’s blood of our own bodies”

Grandmotherr Nancy Andry- a beautiful soul who taught me the water song.

We all come to the waters with our own reasons but alas we are here. Immersing ourselves in the powers that the waters offer each of us. Cleansed, opened, held, supported by a bigger force than our humanness. I came to grieve, to be with this ally, to be heard and to receive her guidance. The waves may be loud but the spirit of the water is so nurturing, so loving. She welcomes all. There are no boundaries between her and we. And always she shows up to support our journeys.

For why do we arrive and stare at her, why do we sit floating ourselves upon her, why do we immerse our feet with her? We all know deep within she is medicine, our medicine in this moment. Whether we know this or not.

As we open to this connection between ourselves and the waters we are more likely to be in ayni. Balance. We make changes with our choices so her medicine may carry to generations to come.
